WHMCS Hacking

Hello Friends 🙂
I’m BaCk with A Great Tutorial again 😉
ToDay We Will Hack into WHMCS which is also called as billing panel and domains are also registered and suspended thorugh WHMCS Panel 🙂
Things We Need:
  • Symlink Enable Shell
  • Symlink Files
  • My Tutorial 😉
Now Lets Start 
First Go to The Shell and Symlink it  There are many Tutorials on Symlink so you can easily learn
Now The Thing is that we should get the config of WHMCS in the server  like
the config named .. xyz~~whm.txt
open that config and Copy the configuration and log into the databse through sql.php or DBKiss and then go to the table
named “tbladmins”. Edit the password into your own but in md5 and change username if u want 
then save and then copy the name of config like xyz~~whm.txt is the config so copy “xyz” as a user and search it in domains.php and you’ll get the 
url of website  then click on symlink and search directories like .. most of the whmcs have billing panel in /clients/admin/ .
Then after opening … login as the details you filled in the database but you’ll not enter the password in md5 and you’ll write the password which you encrypted in md5 .
I Hope Everybody Enjoyed

WHMCS CSRF All Version Exploited

# Exploit Title: WHMCS [CSRF] All Versions (0day)
# Team: MaDLeeTs
# Software Link: http://www.whmcs.com
# Version: All
# Email: LeeTHaXor@Y7Mail.com
All you need to do is add it into your Deface page and make your target view the deface page, He MUST loggin 1st into his clientarea in order to get his email updated.
Greetz to : H4x0rL1f3 | KhantastiC HaXor | H4x0r HuSsY | b0x | Invectus | Shadow008 | Neo HaXor | Hitcher | Dr.Z0mbie | Hmei7 | phpBugz | MindCracker |
c0rrupt | r00x | Pain006 | Ment@l Mind | M4DSh4k | H1d@lG0 | AlphaSky | 3thicaln00b | e0fx | madc0de |
makman | DeaTh AnGeL | Lnxr00t | x3o-1337 | Tor Demon | T4p10N | AL.MaX HaCkEr | | ThaRude | ThaDark |
Evil-DZ | H3ll-dz | Over-X | 3xp1r3 Cyber Army | Pakistan Cyber Army And All 
MaDLeeTs TeaM Members
I hope my exploit would be added, Thank you 🙂
Lil Note :- It Was Priv8 Exploit , But Now Its PubliC ^_^ 
So Enjoy Sucking WHMCS 😀